It’s true, there are many things you can do to get healthier, and it doesn't have to be complicated or take up all your time. The best part? You don't need expensive equipment because these habits are simple enough for anyone to do! When you make part of your daily living healthy, you'll notice how everything falls in place right before your eyes; so read on and implement these habits into your daily routines.
By Team Savant
Image: Jannis Brandt
Sleep Enough
You're going to need to sleep at least 7 hours a night, but 8-9 should be the goal. When you don’t get enough sleep, your ability to concentrate and handle stress decreases and increases irritability and depression. Not only that, but when you've been awake for more than 16 hours, your reaction time is as if you were driving drunk! So make sure to take those 2-3 breaks from social media before bed, where all you do is scroll down, then up again until it's time for bed! You'll feel a lot better about yourself without having that heavy cell phone on your brain.
Drink Plenty of Water
We all know that water is what keeps our bodies hydrated, but when you're dehydrated, your organs start to work much slower. So when you don't drink enough water (maybe 4-5 glasses), it's like running on an empty tank! So the next time you feel hungry, grab a glass of cold water instead and watch how full you get. But remember, there are other sources of hydration so forget about the fad diets out there because they only give temporary results, not permanent ones! Your best bet is to eat fruits or vegetables with high water content to slow down your metabolism.
Eat Breakfast
Breakfast not only starts your brain for the day, but it also prevents hunger throughout the day. If you wait until you’re hungry to eat, then there's a 90% chance that you'll overeat! Eating breakfast also will make your body burn more calories throughout the day. But here's how you can make sure to burn those extra calories: do some exercise before eating, so you don't have an appetite as big as a lion later on! But if you don't have time to work out in the morning, never fear because every little bit counts, and exercising at night is perfectly fine too.
Get Moving
This should be a no-brainer. If your entire life is spent in front of the computer, then you're going to want to do something about that right now! The good news is that even if you go out for just 30 minutes of walking or jogging per day, you'll see significant benefits. Don't let an active lifestyle intimidate you because it's always better than not doing anything at all. So put on some music and get moving! It doesn't matter if you workout two hours every day either, just so long as this habit makes your body move more than sitting down. Plus, who knows? You might even meet someone special when exercising around the neighborhood.
Take Breaks
In some cultures, it's customary to take a few minutes during the day to socialize or enjoy a cup of tea, but this custom is slowly disappearing. Instead, people tend to work themselves into a frenzy without realizing that they're under-performing! In addition, when you work for more extended periods without taking a break, your mind and body begin to shut down. So don’t forget that working on something new not only stimulates your brain, it also refreshes the mind! Plus, the more breaks you take in between tasks, the more efficient you will be.
Deal with Bad Habits
This is the most important habit on this list because it can't be ignored. Bad habits are like pesky tiny mosquitoes. You need to swat away, so don’t let them come up with excuses or always find a way to rationalise their behavior with inpatient rehab. If you want to rid yourself of these bothersome creatures, then open your eyes and start looking for ways to deal with negative thoughts before they take root in your mind! No matter how hard things get, never give up because you'll reach the light at the end of that dark tunnel one day soon enough. Now that you’ve found healthy new habits for yourself, doesn’t that feel great? Not only will it make every part of your life better but you'll also discover a new you that's way better than before!
Deal with Stressful Situations
Stress is one of the most challenging things to deal with, but you can’t just ignore it because doing so will only make it worse. If somebody has wronged you, either confront them about it or don't think about it at all! But if your job makes you stressed out, then see if you can improve things by setting goals for yourself. You also might be able to solve your problems by asking for help from friends and family members who love and support you; just remember that no matter how bad anything gets, there's always a way out, just waiting to be found. So find the positive in every negative situation and watch as your life turns into something beautiful!
Challenge Yourself Physically and Mentally
Challenging yourself in different aspects of your life will help you grow and develop who you are. This doesn’t have to be anything huge because even if you pick up a new hobby, it can do plenty for your character. But besides pursuits, why not challenge yourself to get out of the house more by going to places or speaking with people that interest you? You never know what kind of opportunities might pop up just by meeting new people every day, so take the chance! Plus, being able to fit into new clothes is always lovely too! So stop wasting time and start challenging yourself today; you won't regret it.
You have to find a way to live life to discover who you are. But the question Well, if you follow these healthy new habits, then that problem will be solved before you can say “Bam!”