Today, you don’t have to look far to see various stress-relieving tips, meditation techniques, and other interesting strategies, all promising an improvement in your life. While such information is necessary, no amount of meditation will improve your life if you’re not getting enough sleep. All the stress-relieving techniques won’t yield results if you fail to take good care of yourself. Wellness and self-care is at the centre of a better life. So, if you’re guilty of neglecting yourself, it’s time to change the following wellness habits for the better.
By Team Savant
Image: Prophsee Journals
Unplugging From ‘the Rest of the World’
The human brain needs regular rest from the constant stimulation it receives from today’s digital world. Some research has identified a link between social media and an increase in loneliness and depression. Unplugging from your tablet, smartphone, laptop, TV, and any other form of media stimulation can help restore your mental health, improve your mood, and generally make you a happier person. Take a few hours off each day, away from digital distractions, and you’ll be amazed by how effectively this small move can change your life for the better.
Your mental health is just as important, if not more so, as your physical health. Learning to give yourself room to mentally decompress and recognise the signs of any potential issues is important. If you feel that you could benefit from treatment, there are many options including therapy, medication, cognitive behavioural therapy, emdr and hypnosis. You can read this article on emdr vs hypnosis here to help you decide.
Keep A Daily Journal
When you unplug, one thing you can do is pour your emotions and daily experiences on paper by writing a journal daily. Journaling offers powerful health benefits, including improved mental health, less stress, fewer chances of feeling depressed or dealing with anxiety. Some reports also suggest that those who journal boast improved immune system functioning and lessened symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and asthma.
Sleep At Least Eight Hours Each Night
Experts recommend getting at least eight hours of uninterrupted sleep every night. If that’s impossible for you, you can find ways to grab a few minutes of snooze time during the day. You’ll be amazed by how better a 15-minutes nap time can do to lift your mood during the day. Speaking of mood, poor or insufficient sleep can leave you lethargic and moody throughout the day. It’s difficult to expect to have a good day when you’re feeling moody, tired, stressed, and lethargic. If you struggle to sleep at night, you can try various sleep-enhancing products or even try some CBD oils and products that can help you sleep.
Give Your Body At Least 30 Minutes of Activity Every Day
Being active plays a vital role in improving the quality of your life. If you’re not a fitness enthusiast or suffering from any form of illness that makes it impossible to engage in rigorous workouts, you can always go for a gentle 15-30 minutes walk. Some people have recommended going for walks in the evenings or early mornings, as these quiet periods make it easier to organise your thoughts while exercising your body. That’s like killing two birds with one stone. If you spend a lot of time sitting at work, you can try walking a portion of the distance to your home or going for walks during your breaks.