Stress is an inevitable part of life, but it doesn't have to be. Insomnia, increased irritability, headaches and stomachaches, are all symptoms of stress. These symptoms of stress can cause spikes in your anxiety levels and cause other potential health problems too. Learning to manage your stress is a skill that all people have to develop at some or another stage in their lives. Here are 3 easy ways to manage your stress levels: use natural stress relief products, keep indoor plants and exercise regularly.
By Team Savant
Image: Prudence Earl
Keeping Indoor Plants
Studies have shown that having plants in your home and office can decrease your stress levels, boost your mood, and increase concentration and productivity. Indoor plants are a great starting point for any young adult battling the stresses of a new job or studies. It would be wise to have indoor plants both in your home and your office so that you can benefit from these calming effects in all stressful environments.
The following three indoor plants are excellent options for first-time plant owners as they require very little maintenance: areca palms, spider plants, fiddle-leaf fig, and peace lilies.
Use Of Natural Stress Relief Products
Cannabidiol (aka CBD) is one of about 60+ cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. It is non-intoxicating, meaning that it will not get you high as Tetrahydrocannabinol (aka THC) does. But it has many therapeutic benefits.
There are several reasons why this might be beneficial to your health: It can help reduce neuropathic pain, ease stress, anxiety disorder symptoms, and regulate mood disorders. These are only a few of a long list of benefits CBD holds.
There are many ways you can go about getting your hands on high-quality hemp extract or CBD oil, as it is more commonly called these days. For example, you could place an order for a bottle of CBD Oil online through a certified hemp CBD suppliers website, such as Simply CBD and have them ship it right to your doorstep.
Regular Exercise
Exercise relieves stress in several ways and is often recommended by therapists as the first line of treatment for mild to moderate stress. For example, regular exercise can reduce stress, anxiety, depression, anger management issues and sleep problems that lead to poor physical health. Exercise also boosts immunity and gives you more energy, allowing you to be more productive at work or when studying.
Good exercises for beginners are those that require little-to-no equipment, such as walking briskly through your neighbourhood or park, biking outdoors on paved paths, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, doing jumping jacks, lunges or squats while watching TV or waiting for your dinner to cook. These activities can be done by just about anyone at any age level, and they will burn calories to make you feel great both physically and mentally!
You can find happiness and success in life by managing your stress. Start with at least one of the suggested stress relief options mentioned above and keep your stress levels under control.