If you are concerned that you are making some mistakes when it comes to your marketing strategy then you need to change that as soon as possible. If you don’t then you may find that you end up losing out on money and potentially profit, which is the last thing you need. To avoid any potential losses, check out these 3 most common mistakes new businesses make when it comes to their marketing strategy.
By Team Savant
Image: Rain Bennett
Not Having a Consistent Brand
One of the main things you need to avoid is not having a consistent brand. Having a brand that is consistent throughout your marketing ensures that you are always recognisable. It doesn’t take long for someone to form an opinion about your brand, and if yours is not as clear or as recognizable as it could be then you do need to take action on that. If you have a bold logo that sticks out from the crowd or if you have a catchy slogan that people aren’t going to forget any time soon then you’re bound to be remembered. Use the same consent colors across your social media and get specific too by taking note of the GRB and Hex codes. It’s also good to make sure that your business values are instilled across the board, from your website text to your social media graphic text and more.
Rushing Your Campaign
Another mistake would be rushing your campaign. If you want to increase the success of your campaign then you cannot rush the process. You need to put a lot of time, planning, and energy into your campaign to ensure that it’s right for your business, and if you rush it, you’ll certainly end up paying the price. The typical mistake that might come from rushing a campaign includes sending out the wrong information or marketing to the wrong audience. You may also not be able to get the ROI you're looking for either. If you want to do something about this then make sure that you contact a reputable SEO agency. Baldwin Digital is a good starting point, and you can visit their website for details if you want to learn more.
Not Having a Clear Strategy
Without a clear strategy, you may find it very difficult to know what direction to take your company in. This can sometimes make you feel as though you are lost at sea. A strategic roadmap is always good to have here, and it can help you to clearly define the best route to take if you want to meet your targets. You need a vision and a mission statement if you can, and you also need to set clear and SMART business goals.
Lastly, you have to make sure that you aren’t ignoring negative reviews. Nobody wants to see a bad review on Google My Business or even Facebook, but if you ignore it then this could have a monumental impact on your company. If you want to do something about this then respond to every review, good or bad, and explain what you can do to fix the issue, or thank the customer for their feedback.