Gardens are great spaces for getting your loved ones together. There’s usually more than enough room to talk, drink, dance, and gather round the firepit. Even in the colder months, there’s rarely a better backdrop to a gathering than an illuminated deck fenced in by outdoor heaters. If you want to host more parties in your garden, but you’re not sure how to make the space as impressive and party-ready as possible, you’ve come to the right place. The perfect party garden could be yours — all you need to do is design it with 3 tips like these.
By Team Savant
Image: Sofia Holmberg
Leave Plenty of Space to Move
Garden parties can be hard to contain. People are going to be moving around all night long, in and out of the house as well, and you don’t want people bumping into things, tripping over, or breaking the heads off of plants as they pass them.
Because of that, leave plenty of space in your landscape layout for people to move around. Make sure there’s a strong, clear path system people can follow, and that the lawn is easy enough to traverse without anyone going over an ankle.
Protect Your Pond Life
A lot of people have water features in the garden, but a pond tends to be the most common of them. They’re easy to dig into the ground, as well as to fill and keep clean through the simple use of a pump. But if you’re going to be hosting parties out there on a regular basis, you’re going to need to prevent your pond from becoming a trip hazard.
That’s where a raised design would be best. Whatever kind of pond you have, whether it’s a home for a frog family or you’ve got koi in there, raise the pond up and install a glass ‘enclosure’ that no one will be able to fall into. And remember, not only does the installation of koi pond glass keep your fish safe — no matter how many drinks have been going round — but it also makes your pond incredibly visibly impressive.
Illuminate in Various Ways
And finally, no garden party will be complete without plenty of cosy lighting hung up in the air. Gardens always look amazing when there are solar lights, string lights, and lamps attached to tree branches, so feel free to go a bit wild and over the top here. Your party scene will look incredible, and even if you feel there’s a bit too much illumination, you can just turn a few of them off.
Above all else, make sure the pathways around the garden are well lit and can always be seen. This ties into protecting your water features and pond life, as well as your guests’ health, but really, weaving some autumn leaves lights around fencing panels or pathway railing can make the entire place look warm and welcoming!
If you want your garden to look perfect for parties, design it with tips like these in mind.