Too long have we lived a lie: that of disposable lifestyle. Each day we find ourselves consumed in an endless cycle of consumption that leaves a trail of waste that our planet desperately needs to do without. Don't panic: going green doesn't require being part of some secret society or forgoing your favourite items; in fact it can actually save money! So grab yourself a biodegradable tea bag (please!) and let's find ways to add some green into our lives.
By Team Savant
Image: No Revisions
The Power is in Your Hands
Let's talk energy for a second: from your morning cuppa being prepared in an efficient kettle to keeping the house warm during winter or preserving cheese in your fridge, everything runs on energy. What type of energy are you utilising? If it involves fossil fuels, this would be like sending Mother Nature an apology for interrupting her living room by flooding it with pollution. Switching to a green energy provider is like sending that same apology — without all the wasteful packaging! It's an easy step that helps fight climate change. Your energy can now come from renewable resources like wind, solar or hydroelectric power sources that reduce your carbon footprint significantly. Learn about solar batteries or invest in panels - often all it takes to switch over is making one phone call or clicking some online buttons! Don't wait; give it a try now; Mother Nature and future generations will thank you.
From Bin Bags to Compost Heaps
Let's make life easy on Mother Nature by shifting our waste generation over into compost heaps instead of into bin bags — quite literally! Composting can provide an easy solution. Food waste, garden clippings and old newspapers can all be transformed into rich soil for plants in your own backyard! No longer do potato peels and apple cores rot in landfills emitting greenhouse gases - instead, their life cycle continues in your very own garden! Composting can turn organic waste into rich, dark soil that rose bushes will absolutely adore. Composting is simple; all it requires is a compost bin (or dedicated corner of your garden), some organic waste and patience to let nature take its course. Soon enough, you'll have beautiful compost ready for use: an unbearably satisfying win-win-win situation for both yourself and the planet alike! Now isn't that incredible?
Green Travels: Travel with an Eco-Conscience
Next on our eco-adventure list is travelling in a greener manner. While many of us relish an international excursion or beach holiday, have you ever considered its environmental impacts? Don't fret just yet - we aren't suggesting you put away your suitcase and ditch your flip flops just yet! There are numerous eco-friendly travel alternatives out there — why not go on a "staycation" to discover all of your local treasures? Are you in the market for an eco-friendly train journey across the country instead of an emission-heavy plane ride? And if flying is necessary, consider offsetting carbon emissions with many airlines offering this option. Once at your destination, opt for walking, cycling or public transit instead of renting a car for maximum sight seeing and experience - remember it's all about the journey, not the destination alone! So next time you plan a vacation make it green — Mother Earth will thank you!
Shop Smart, Shop Sustainably: Give Your Retail Therapy an Eco Makeover
Ever wondered how you could change up your retail therapy habits to become greener? Well, sustainable shopping is here, and it's easier than you think! Just click for details on sustainable retail therapy and give it a go today! Before making your purchases, ask yourself "do I really need this?" When the answer is 'yes', consider items made ethically and responsibly — clothing brands using organic fabrics and fair labour practices would make an ideal addition. Looking for some nourishment? Consider opting for organic produce. Consider shopping at your local farmer's market instead, where you can pick up fresh, organic produce that hasn't travelled halfway across the world to reach you? And don't forget packaging — ditch those plastic bags in favour of reusable bags instead - remember, every little helps, so turn retail therapy sessions into treats for both yourself and the planet! That's what we call an incredible bargain!