Achieving the most gorgeous, glowing skin doesn’t have to be as difficult as you might initially expect, as this handy guide contains some of the most valuable tips and tricks that you can utilise to refresh your skin before you know it. Below are some of the most effective steps that you can follow if you want to maintain the most beautiful polished skin, and thankfully it couldn’t be easier for you to get started today.
By Team Savant
Image: Fleur Kaan
Changing Your Diet
You may be surprised to realise this, but the food that you eat contributes massively towards the health, look and feel of your skin. Eating the wrong foods can leave you with all manner of unsightly and unpleasant issues, including spots and acne, excess oil, dryness, redness, and so much more. Eating a healthy, wholefood diet is absolutely key, as you must ensure that your body is able to access all of the vitamins and minerals it needs to thrive. Rather than sticking to ultra processed foods, opt for a more natural alternative — swap white bread for wholemeal or sourdough, swap candy for fruit and kick junk food to the curb. The more fat and sugar that you have within your daily diet, the smaller your chances of maintaining a healthy glow, so eat well if you want to increase the likelihood of developing and maintaining soft, smooth skin.
Find The Right Products For You
Another key step that you must follow if you want to improve your skin is to find the right products for you. In today's modern world, there are countless different cosmetics brands that you can choose from, each offering their own blend of beauty products that can either help your skin glow or force you to shy away from attention. It’s nightly unlikely that all cosmetics will work with your skin type, as certain issues need to be treated in certain ways. For example, if you struggle with excess oil then you should consider using a face mask that has some kind of clay within it. Clay helps to remove the aforementioned excess oil and help balance out your production, however it can dry your skin out and should therefore be avoided if you have any dry skin issues. What works for one may not work for another, so you have to experiment with a little trial and error until you are able to locate your ideal skincare routine. Start with a suitable face wash or cleanser that can remove dirt build up or makeup effectively, then follow up with a good moisturiser or face serum that targets your specific wants and needs. Don’t be afraid to use added extras if you require them — tea tree spot sticks, under eye cream and more can be added to your skincare regime if you prefer.
Achieving glowing gorgeous skin has never been such a simple task when you can take the opportunity to utilise some of the brilliant tips and ideas that have been carefully described above.