Are you struggling with team members leaving your company? If so, then you need to make sure that you think about why this is happening and what you can do about it. Here are 4 options that are worth exploring and the steps that you can take to make them stay.
By Team Savant
Image: Product School
No Onboarding Process
First, you should think about whether your business has an onboarding process. As explained on sites like this is a critical component of the employee journey. If you don’t hit the right mark here then you will already be starting off on the wrong foot. Without the right onboarding process, team members are likely to feel overwhelmed, lost and a little confused about their role in your company. They need the right road map to follow otherwise they are going to tag out sooner than you would like.
A Lack Of Engagement
One of the most significant needs for employees is a high level of engagement. If you don’t hit the right marks with engagement, then you’re going to end up in a situation where employees simply don’t feel fulfilled in your business. So, how can you make sure that engagement levels are at the right point? One of the best options would be to make sure that you keep them well trained. Regular training through the year will go a long way to ensure that employees don’t feel like they are waiting their time working for your business.
A Poor Office Culture
It’s worth thinking about the office culture of your business. Essentially, you should consider whether or not your business is a friendly and pleasant place to work. Or, are there issues with harassment and bullying. Problems like this will quickly cause you to lose the best members of your team because they will always have other options that they can explore on the market. Improving your office culture is often about the right management. For instance, you should maintain a zero tolerance policy for both bullying and harassment in your business model.
Too Much Stress
Finally, you need to think about whether your team members are too stressed in your business. High levels of stress are always going to impact whether they decide to stay or not. Most team members won’t stick around if they feel as though the stress just isn’t worth the trouble. That’s why you need to make sure that you are finding the right ways to cope with high levels of stress for your team members. One of the best options would be to make sure that you have the right HR team. They will complete temperature checks and ensure that your employees aren’t under too much pressure overall.
We hope this helps you understand some of the reasons why employees might be leaving your business before they’ve even fully settled in. Obviously, we’re just scratching the service of what might be going wrong here. That’s why it’s important to conduct a thorough investigation if you do notice an issue like this. You can learn more about employee churn on sites such as