The majority of us spent the largest part of our lives in our homes. We sit in our rooms and stare at the walls, carpets, sideboards, doors, everything. The home has a great ability to affect our mood. If the home is how we want it to be it can lift us up and inspire us. If it is not right, all we can see are problems, and this can bring us down. In fact, the home can make us feel stressed, depressed and can even make us feel unsafe and may remind us of hard times, among other emotions. The better you understand how a home makes you feel, the better you can remedy it. To help you find ways to create a better living space, here are 4 great ideas.
By Team Savant
Image: Linh Le
A Feature Wall
A great way to make a room pop is to paint a mural or have a feature wall. If you are artistic, then you may actually be able to create a great feature wall yourself. If not, you have options. You can hire someone to come in and paint one for you, or you can use a wallpaper mural. Or you can go the other way and paint it a single bright colour, and add a lot of canvases, motivational quotes, images, etc., anything that makes you feel uplifted and inspired.
Having a home that allows a lot of sounds to filter in from the outside can really affect your well-being. You may be woken in the night, and this can cause you to feel on edge all the time. Sounds is a huge one to look at when trying to improve the feel of your home. You can go with soundproofing the house by purchasing a solid core door and soundproofing windows. You can also buy soundproofing curtains to try and lower the noise coming in too. If sound is an issue for you, do a little investigation and discover all the options available.
Maybe it is time to upgrade the woodwork in your kitchen. Over time the edges become nicked and can even come off or break completely. Also, the surfaces start to lose their shine. Instead of going for a while, the kitchen replacing the surfaces could be a more inexpensive alternative. Why not measure the surfaces and then get fire someone to do the MDF cutting to spec for you? You can change the look and feel without the massive price tag.
Upgrade Fixtures
Another way to make this look new again without the price tag is to imply upgrading the fixtures. You can change the door handles and drawer handles; you can also upgrade the taps too. There is so much choice out there that you are bound to find handles and taps to inspire you. You can almost fool yourself and others into thinking that you have gone out and bought a whole new bathroom and kitchen. If you want a new feel without the price tag, this is one avenue to go down.