Whether it is a small business or a side hustle, it is very easy to overwork yourself and neglect your basic needs. It is very common amongst small business owners especially when first starting out. It inevitably leads to burnout and having to put a pause on things, so it can not only be detrimental to your health but also your business. So being aware of it and putting things in place will help you greatly. Millionaires and successful people always make time in their days for exercise and time to look after themselves.
By Team Savant
Image: Derick McKinney
Make It A Date
Be sure to schedule in time each week or day to have time to focus on your and your wellness. You may be busy trying to grow the business but it is something that is very important, so making it an appointment in itself means you are more likely to do it and won’t miss it. You can even set it as an appointment on your phone and have it as an occurring appointment so that it happens every week, this also helps you not forget about it.
The Basics Need To Be Priority
Trying to grow a business can be hard no matter what, but throw kids, family and other stresses into the mix and you will find yourself stretched very thin. These are the times when people start to look after everyone else, their business but forget about themselves. So take it back to basics, make sure you have showering often, eat the right foods and get enough water. Also, make sure you get outside and go for walks as if you are on your computer a lot you can have a whole day go by sometimes without even going out of the house. A good way to incorporate this is by using your lunch hour that you allocate yourself with a walk around the neighbourhood.
Outsource Things To Give You More Time
Sometimes you just try to do it all, some people feel very controlling over their small businesses and want to do everything themselves, but it isn’t good for your wellness and it also won’t help your business grow. You need to learn to delegate and outsource different elements to make your life easier and free up your time so you can focus on the important aspects. If you need help with marketing and your advertisements you can look at a Facebook ads agency, if you need help with day to day general admin then you could look to hire a virtual assistant or if you need advice and help with HR there are HR agencies now so you can outsource to them rather than having someone permanent with a full wage. These are handy to startups and small businesses as when you are growing you don’t always need these things managed as a full-time job so outsourcing is perfect.
Looking after your wellness is important and when you're a business owner and spinning so many plates it is crucial.