Feelings of excitement will probably consume you when you find out you have been shortlisted for an interview. Especially if it's for the job of your dreams, you will have reason to experience feelings of joy. But then, as is true for most of us, those 'what if' questions could enter your mind — ‘What if I don't get the job? What if I say something stupid at the interview? What if they pick somebody else?’. And so on and so on. As you are essentially marketing yourself to an employer at the interview stage, some of these questions might arise, and as such, those pre-interview jitters will set in. So, what can you do to overcome them? Here are some suggestions.
By Team Savant
Image: Charles Deluvio
1. Prepare Prepare Prepare
We had to say 'prepare' three times to signify how important this is! The better prepared you are the less nervous you should feel. So, research the employer, learn more about the vacancy, work on the answers to the interview questions they are likely to ask you, and make sure you know how to travel to the company you have applied to.
If you're having a video interview, have a practice run with a friend so you know your webcam and microphone are working.
These are just some of the things you can do to prepare, and while time-consuming, they should help you to feel better about the interview when the day finally comes.
2. Take Something For Your Nerves
If your stomach is doing somersaults the hour before your interview is due to take place, take something to ease your anxiety. A glass of wine is probably a no-no as you don't want to turn up for the interview smelling of alcohol so try a different kind of remedy.
Some people swear by cbd products when they're feeling anxious, so consider these soft gel cbd capsules or any other products from the linked store. Your health store will also sell supplements that can be taken for anxiety relief so pop in on the way to the interview. Herbal teas can also be a good remedy so prepare a flask so you can sip on something when you're sat waiting for your name to be called.
3. Try A Breathing Technique
When your nerves are all over the place, you can come to a place of calm with some deep breathing exercises. Click on the link to learn more and choose those techniques that you can practice while you're waiting for the interview.
4. Go For A Walk
Fresh air and exercise can work wonders when you're feeling nervous so turn up for the interview early to have the opportunity to stretch your legs. Do the same if you're having a video interview, but remember to take your keys, as the last thing you want to do on interview day is lock yourself out of your house! Sorry if that thought added to your anxieties!
These are just some of the things you can try so practice one or all of them if you have pre-interview jitters. We wish you every success!