No matter what your job or the industry you operate in, you want the best chance of professional success.This is true whether your professional success might hinge on having the right equipment such as stillages, and it’s true if your success hinges instead on the right sophisticated digital infrastructure. Although overnight success stories in any industry or profession are rare, it is possible to achieve substantial success by consistent and focused effort over a long period of time. But that doesn't mean that your path to success will necessarily be straightforward, or that it will involve climbing a corporate ladder or anything like that. These are some general tips to increase your chances of professional success.
By Team Savant
Image: Daria Pimkina
You can build a broad range of experience in many different areas which will then make you more dynamic in general
In the book, "Range," the author David Epstein makes a compelling case that professional success is more often correlated with a wide breadth of experience, and a "generalist" skill set, than it is with specialisation, with the exception of certain very specific fields and pursuits.
He cites numerous examples of successful people who didn't "specialize" in any particular area of their lives but who moved between jobs and subjects, building up experience and insight until they could capitalize on that knowledge at the right moment.
You have many options to gain experience in different areas across your professional career. On-the-job training is available. Separate training and certification can be done on your own. You also, of course, have the option to explore many different hobbies and side projects.
The rule of thumb is that the greater your "range", the better you will be able to leverage your talents over time.
Be present in person and network to build your portfolio
You need to be visible to others in order to receive offers and opportunities, no matter what your work ethic is like.
You should network consistently throughout your career. Being present in person and building your portfolio year after year is a must for building your business.
The more you can establish your name and develop a broad network, the greater the likelihood that you will be able to explore dynamic opportunities down the line and that people will find you through expert networks and other avenues.
At any given moment, you should be working on at least one side project
Side projects can go a long way in terms of helping your professional success.
For one thing, they can be financially rewarding. Then, there’s also the fact that every side project you take on can provide you with learning opportunities that can help you expand your knowledge and skills, as we have already discussed.
Another thing is that many side projects you might be involved in could have the potential — even slight — to become successful ventures of their own over time. For another thing, side projects will keep you driven and motivated. Always work on at least one side project at a time. It should be something you are passionate about and that is meaningful to you.