Being healthy is, rightly, extremely important for many of us. Having a healthy lifestyle can be greatly rewarding and you may find that not only will you feel better physically, but you may find that you are happier as a result too!.Of course, there are a huge number of things you can do to lead a healthier lifestyle and some steps may be more important for some individuals than others. But let’s take a moment to run through a few different options that can really help you to get started out on this journey in the right direction.
By Team Savant
Image: Rima Kruciene
Support Your Body
Let’s start out by focusing on your body. Your body is what allows you to live, get about and do the things that you want to do. So, you should be looking after it to the best of your ability. Here are just a few areas of focus to consider to begin with:
Focus on Your Diet
Food is the fuel that your body uses to get by on a day to day basis. The better the fuel you put in your body, the better your body’s performance will be! Start out by making sure that you’re providing your body with the right amount of fuel. Too much and you may experience issues such as obesity. Too little and you will struggle and can become exhausted and weak. The list of calorie intakes below will show the recommendations for a host of different types of people:
Children aged 2 to 8 — 1000 to 1400 calories
Girls aged 9 to 13 — 1400 to 1600 calories
Boys aged 9 to 13 — 1600 to 2000 calories
Active women aged 14 to 30 — 2400 calories
Sedentary women aged 14 to 30 — 1800 to 2000 calories
Active men aged 14 to 30 — 2800 to 3200 calories
Sedentary men aged 14 to 30 — 2000 to 2600 calories
Active adults over 30 — 2000 to 3000 calories
Sedentary adults over 30 — 1600 to 2400 calories
Once you know how many calories you should be consuming, you can then focus on making these meals and snacks balanced. All too many people think that eating healthily is completely cutting out certain food groups. But the truth is that your body needs all of the food groups to be eaten in moderation so that they can work in tandem to provide your body with everything it provides! If you’re struggling with knowing what to eat, you can always consult your doctor or a nutritionist who can make recommendations and help.
Use Equipment to Make Your Life Easier
If you suffer from any health conditions, chances are there are others out there who have created equipment or tools that can significantly help to make your day to day experience of the condition easier. It’s important to consider these, as they can also help to reduce your risk of injury or a worsening of your condition. For example, if you have arthritis, you may find that electric tin openers, carving knives and other equipment helps. If you have difficulties walking long distances, a mobility scooter could make life a lot more comfortable and easier. You can find a great range at
Manage Your Mental Health
In the past, mental health was a relatively taboo subject. You may have found that it has been something that you have avoided speaking about at some point or another. However, more recently, we have found that millions have gone without necessary therapy and treatment, all because of senseless social stigma. Fortunately, in recent years, more and more people have become more open about mental health problems, helping to create a greater understanding of them and reducing silence around the subject. As people feel less ashamed or wary of judgement, increasing numbers of people have been able to seek out the necessary help to improve their condition. This is something that we should continue. By actively managing your mental health, you can lead a happier and healthier lifestyle. Here are some suggestions to help with this:
Seek Help and Support During Difficult Times
The first, and perhaps most important thing that you should do if you’re experiencing difficulties with your mental health, is to reach out to others for help and support. At the end of the day, the stigma around mental health has withered away and there are now countless understanding people who will be able to help you! If at any point you are struggling or feel you aren’t able to cope, there are many sources of support out there, ranging from charities to support groups and helplines. The biggest recommendation is to also reach out to a doctor. This healthcare professional will know the ins and outs of all mental health conditions and will be able to diagnose any symptoms that you may be experiencing. Understanding the underlying cause of your symptoms can then allow you to treat and tackle your condition if you are experiencing one. You may find that your doctor recommends that you try specific medication. They may refer you on to therapy. You may find that they offer a combination of the two approaches. This can really help.
Go Easy on Yourself
A great way to help your mental health is to be kind to yourself. All too many people push themselves too far day in and day out. This can be accepting high levels of stress - often due to work. It can be wearing themselves down by telling themselves negative things about themselves. It can be all sorts. A great key to reducing mental difficulties can be to be kind to yourself. Give yourself breaks when you need. Focus on the things you like about yourself.
Now, these are just a few suggestions that you might want to incorporate into your lifestyle to maximise your experience. They can significantly improve or support your health and wellbeing, so are more than worth trying out. Hopefully, you’ll incorporate a few of the changes into your day to day routine and will really feel the benefits.