Working to build an effective team in your business is more than simply choosing people who are qualified. Team leaders have the most significant role in ensuring a team’s effectiveness as they serve as a mentor, trainer, and as someone who can be trusted. Without this, effective team building is impossible. Here are a few ways to help to build an effective and engaged team.
By Team Savant
Image: S O C I A L . C U T
1. Be Purpose-Driven
Goal setting is imperative. It means that whatever path lies before you, there is an end goal in sight. Keeping your goals and vision in place is the foundation of team building. Every team member needs to understand the purpose of what they are doing and their importance in making sure that this happens. Constant communication is a must. This useful link is for a software program that helps team leaders to outline goals and help to delegate tasks to specific team members to ensure they are able to stay in the picture.
2. Get Your Team To Connect
Teams only work well when they work well together. There will be some team members who will say that they feel more comfortable working alone than with others, but as a team leader, your role is to help to find ways to build connections between members instead. Not like ‘organised fun’ which forces people who may not want to spend time with others, virtual team building is highly recommended to keep people connected. For example, online escape rooms where people work together to solve problems will help to bring people together. This will impact the productivity of a team in a wholly positive way.
3. Build Relationships with Each Team Member
It is a team leaders responsibility to get to know members of the team. This is from understanding their strengths, weaknesses, failures, and successes so that you can begin to understand how you can help them to develop. However, it doesn’t just have to be in a work capacity. Get to know your team members on a personal level as well. It is vitally important that you don’t miss any signs of changed behaviours among team members. Having regular conversation helps to build trust between you and your team members. Make sure that you don’t blur the lines between being personal and staying professional. Balance is crucial, and you can stay concerned without having to get too involved either.
4. Encourage Collaboration
If you want to ignite motivation in a team then it is vitally important that each and every team member understands that their ideas are valid and acknowledged. Having an atmosphere that encourages contribution helps team members to think outside the box, how they can improve themselves and how to strategize so that they have opportunities to grow later on. Team members will also feel valued if they feel listened to. This sense of belonging gives people ownership and therefore are far more likely to take pride in a project.
Building an effective team takes an awful lot of work, but once you reach that sweet spot, you will have an engaged and productive team.