This is a period when people are venturing into new careers, fields of specialism and hobbies. Having spent the last twelve months or so cooped away in our homes, on furlough schemes, away from family and friends, many of us have started following new professional pursuits and picking up new ways to make money in our spare time. If you’re in this boat, you may feel daunted at some time or another. Trying out new activities and roles can be intimidating. But what’s important is that you power through with confidence. Here are a few tips that can help you feel assured of yourself and stand your ground.
By Team Savant
Image: Morgan Housel
If you’re trying something new or a little different, the key to confidence is research. Make sure you know your area. Know what you’re talking about. Know the specifics — the ins and outs. This way, if anyone ever questions you, or if you find yourself having to make serious decisions, you can rest assured that you’ll have an answer or know the right thing to do. The more you know about what you’re doing and the better you understand everything, the more assured you will be.
Use Great Resources
Whatever your venture is and no matter how you’re planning on making money, chances are there’s plenty of great software, companies or third parties out there that can help you along the way. If you’re specialising in marketing, you could get some great insight from market research agencies or could make life easier for yourself with social media scheduling apps. If you’re specialising in cryptocurrency, exchange companies like Swyftx could help. If you are freelancing graphic designing, an accountant can help you with your taxes at the end of the year. If you’re going into academia, accessing journals like JSTOR could be massively beneficial. If something will help you out, make life easier for yourself and invest in it or use it!
Believe In Yourself
Whatever you’re doing, many others have done it before you. If they can, you can too. Make sure to believe in yourself. Confidence is so important and can really spur you along the way. All too many people suffer from imposter syndrome, when if you’ve achieved something or opened a door for yourself, you’ve earned it and deserve to be there.
Be Open to Improvement
Of course, you don’t want to be confident to the point of being obnoxious. You’ll only be setting yourself up for a fall. Make sure that you’re always open to constructive criticism and take it on board. Always look for opportunities and areas to improve yourself. Be humble.
Confidence really is key to making a success of yourself, no matter what you decide to apply yourself to. Hopefully, some of the above advice will help you and can spur some great spirit and attitude into your ventures.