A strong leader is known for being positive, inspiring, empowering and supportive. They tend to value their followers and they also inspire them to do whatever they can to perform better on a day to day basis. If you want to do everything you can to become a way better leader then you’ll be glad to know that this is very easy to do, especially if you know the steps that you need to take.
By Team Savant
Image: TienDat Nguyen
Understand the Style of Your Leadership
Understanding the leadership style you have right now is essential. Think about it, what strengths do you have? Which areas do you think need some improvement? You need to assess the skills you have and you also need to get a much better idea of how you are able to lead. If you can do this then you will soon find that it is more than possible for you to find your dominant leader style. If you want to know more, check out this leadership in strategy execution guide.
Encourage Creativity
Intellectual stimulation is one of the many leadership qualities that will ultimately determine your leadership. Followers need to be fully encouraged so that they can express their creativity. You also need to make sure that you offer them a lot of challenges with the support they need to achieve their goals too. One way for you to foster as much creativity as possible would be for you to try and offer challenges to members of the group. You also have to make sure that the goals that you set are within their abilities. You need to try and encourage people to stretch their limits and you also need to encourage them not to be discouraged by any barriers to their success.
Be a Role Model
Influence is another key trait of a good leader. Transformational leaders tend to exemplify the behaviours and even the characteristics that they would ideally like to encourage in their followers. They will walk the walk and they will also talk the talk. Group members tend to admire these leaders and they work to emulate these behaviours as much as possible. Research has shown time and time again that leaders are able to foster a very specific belief and they can then transmit this to their followers too.
Be Passionate
You also need to make sure that you are as passionate as possible about your leadership role. If you are not passionate about what you do, then you can’t expect other people to be passionate about it either. You need to try and show that you love what you do, and when you achieve your goals, don’t be afraid to show others how proud you are. Little things like this can help you to become a way better leader and you would be surprised at how much it could help you to stand out from the crowd in general.
Of course, it’s very easy for you to become the best you can be as a leader if you follow this guide. If you are unconfident, remember that there are plenty of other influential leaders out there who you can follow.