In this day and age, you have to possess a website if you’re to be taken seriously. There are still a few old-school businesses that are still able to run based on the contacts and reputation they have, but any new business will need to be in the digital world. If you want to leave a lasting impression on others, then your online presence will have to make quite the impact on those looking at you. Social media plays a big part at this current time, but the website will always be the hub that people go to for information and to figure out if you’re trustworthy.
By Team Savant
Image: Igor Miske
In order to make sure you have a wonderful site for people to gaze at, there are a few important factors. You can’t just have a plain website that gives out the absolute basics. You have to make sure that you’re enticing people in and making people stick. Relationships are huge in business if you want longevity, and a website plays such a big part. Here are a few points to follow if you want the perfect site for your business:
Bring In Help And Use Helpful Tools
The chances are that you’re not going to know as much as a web designer or graphic designer. You may be good, but not as good as the pros. Consider bringing them in. Also, be sure to check out DigitalSupermarket and all that has to offer. It will be able to tell you about every single aspect of the digital world in terms of starting a business and operating online.
Keep To Your Brand
Stick to the theme that you’ve been with since the start. This sounds obvious, but there are lots of different websites out there that try too hard to be something new and weird. Just keep the same colors, look, and feel. People will feel comfortable with the consistency as they’ll know they’re at the right place.
Make Sure There Are No Amateurish Errors
Spelling and grammar errors can be quite common, but don’t make them commonplace on YOUR website. People will see them and won’t be impressed. Keep things symmetrical and in order. Messes will not be taken seriously — even on a website.
Ensure All Information Is There On Show Or Easy To Get To
You’re going to want people to know where to go next and you’re going to want to make sure that you have all relevant info places on your site. On the header and footer of each page would be wise. Also, be sure to have a contact page right there for people to see.
Loading Times
When you have lots of content and plenty of different widgets on your site, the loading time can take a hit. The same can be said for those of you who have bought a template that has lots going into it. The page load time has such a huge effect on people’s opinions, so make sure you’re not keeping people waiting for the most basic pages.