New parents are always looking for ways to help them make it through those first initial weeks or months of parenting. Typically, getting help and support from family and friends who have been through this can be invaluable. Here are a few protocols to keep in mind that hopefully bring you closer to hacking newborn parenting.
By Team Savant
Image: hessam nabavi
They will help you find your way and give you tips as to what will and won't help you.
Preparing For Your Baby
This guide will help you prepare for your baby by listing the essential items and baby gear you need. You can source many baby items from dedicated baby online stores such as For Your Little One.
What your baby might need:
A crib or bassinet
A changing table or dresser with a changing pad and a few clothes and baby wipes,
A nappy bin
Diapers of varying sizes
A couple of packages of nappies and wipes per day that you think you might use
Baby bottles with teats for bottle-feeding or expressing breast milk
Breast pump
Bottle warmer
Baby monitor or sound machine (make sure it has a movement sensor)
Blankets, swaddles, and sleep sacks to keep them cosy at night. You can also use blankets for breastfeeding covers too if you wish. Swaddles are not only great for calming babies down but keeping them warm too.
Get Ready For The First Few Days
Getting ready for the first few days of your newborn is an important step. Below are some tips that you can follow to make it easier for you and your new baby.
Ask family members to help you with household chores so that you can focus on taking care of your newborn.
Ensure that the baby’s room is ready before the birth so everything will be in place when the baby arrives.
Have a bassinet or crib ready before the birth so they won’t have to share their first night with their parents.
Take maternity leave if available before birth, and don't plan anything until after two weeks with your newborn.
Take short naps during the day, don't plan any long naps, breastfeed during naps if possible.
Feeding Your Baby
Breastfeeding is best for your baby, but it's not suitable for everyone. Breastfeeding has many benefits, like supporting mom's mental health and lowering the risk of childhood cancer. But it doesn't work for everyone. Sometimes moms can't breastfeed because of medical reasons, like taking certain medications. And sometimes, moms may not be able to breastfeed if they need to take medication that makes breastfeeding unsafe or impossible.
Formula feeding is also an option that can help moms who don't want to breastfeed or can't do so safely. No matter whether you breastfeed or formula feed, you're giving your baby essential nutrients and providing the love and support they need in the early days and years of their life.
Soothing Your Baby
What to do when your baby is restless?
The best way to soothe a restless baby is by swaddling or wrapping them up. It is an age-old technique that has been proven to work on babies of all ages. Swaddling restricts their movements, making it easier for them to sleep. It also helps calm them down. You can gently rock or pat your baby while they are swaddled, which will also help them fall asleep faster.