After the tragic news of the deaths at AstroWorld, everyone has been asking the same questions. The main one is, could these deaths have been prevented? We may never know if these deaths could have been prevented, and we cannot bring the victims back. The only thing we can take away from this tragedy are ways that we can keep ourselves safe when we are attending large events. Here is a quick guide to help you when you are out.
By Team Savant
Image: Nicholas Green
Know Your Exits
For every event, there will be emergency exits that you can use. Most of the time, we don’t bother to pay attention to where they are. However, knowing where to leave the building can make a massive difference in the event of an emergency. They are normally marked with a small green or red sign that lights up. When you are in a room or an arena, scan your eye around and see where the closest exit is for you. Knowing this in the event of a fire could save your life.
Is There A Map?
When you arrive at an event, there might be a map available to look at. This links to the previous point of knowing where your exits are. However, a map can provide you with a lot more information, including where to go and wait for the emergency services. There can be a lot of information provided on a map, and some events will provide you with a copy so that you can find your way around. This might be to help you navigate to the places you want to see, but there should be emergency information on there too.
What Is Security Like?
Large events always have security. Even if you go to a large shopping center, there will be some security there. Have a look around and check out the security that is at the event. Not only are these guys your first point of contact if something goes wrong, but it is also up to them to check the crowds and manage things. A well-rounded security theme will have people placed around the event evenly and they will be clearly marked with hi-vis jackets or uniforms. If you have trouble spotting them, this might be a sign that you should not be there as the crowd control might not be as good as it should be.
Is There A Help Station?
A help station can come in many different forms. They can be run by volunteers and helpers who are there to assist you. The skills that they will have will vary and they should not be considered professionals. That might sound mean but they might only have basic training to assist people rather than a medical degree or something along those lines. The last thing you need is to employ the use of strategic personal injury attorneys because you have put all of your faith in a volunteer to help you. Know where they are, make yourself aware of how they can help you, and keep this in mind throughout your time at the event. There might be a first aid station or a place that ambulances are stationed, as well as a police desk for added security.
What Does the Crowd Feel Like?
A venue could be packed out but be very safe. However, there may be a time when your gut instinct kicks in and says that something is wrong. Do not ignore this feeling as it comes be warning you about the atmosphere or the people around you. You should never discount the feeling in your gut. If something feels off, take note, and have a look around you. If you feel that the atmosphere is too wild and out of control before a concert starts, there is a good chance that it will get worse once everything has started. Even if nothing does happen, if you feel unsafe it is probably better to leave. The last thing you need is to have a horrible experience because you felt paranoid. At the very least, move closer to an exit and be vigilant with what is happening around you.
As you can see, there are many different ways to look after yourself when you are out and about. The main one is to be aware of your surroundings and make smart decisions about your safety. We hope that events that unfolded at AstroWorld never happen again and that events take the safety of the attendants more seriously.