There are all kinds of reasons why you might send an employee abroad, beyond giving them a well-earned vacation for the hard work they have put in for you. If you're expanding your company into a new country, you may need to send an employee over there to oversee operations. You might also need to send an employee abroad to meet with international clients or to meet with potential new clients to your business. These are just a few reasons but no matter the cause there are a few things to consider first.
By Team Savant
Image: Michael Discenza
1. Who will you send?
This is for both your sake and theirs. After all, you need to send somebody you can trust and who has the ability to cope in a new country and climate. They need to be willing too as a move abroad, even if it's just for the short-term, can be a huge adjustment. Think carefully and weigh up all of your options after discussing your plans with your employees.
2. What legalities do you need to consider?
If moving your employee to a new country, you will need to ensure your legal bases are covered. For starters, you will need to look into getting a work visa for your employee, so visit sites such as Montic to learn more about what may be required. You also need to consider taxation laws, as your employee may need to pay income tax in the country they are staying in. Then there are employment laws to consider if you're setting up a new base of operations. Your employee will need to keep abreast of these if they are managing other people, so commit to research to learn more.
3. Where will they stay?
You may need to help your employee find temporary or permanent accommodation so be prepared to foot the bill. The accommodation you choose should be right for both their needs and their family members if they are travelling with them. Consider this when choosing a location as you may need to find a place that is near to a decent school, the spouse's workplace, and any necessary amenities.
4. What support will your employee need?
To prepare your employee for their time abroad, there are a few things you may need to do to support them. You may need to pay for a language course, for example, as well as training on the culture of the country they are travelling to. It's a good idea to offer them a few wellness tips too, so check out our linked article for some good examples. And when your employee is away, consider what else you need to do to support them. It might be that weekly video chats will be helpful as touching base with a familiar face may be comforting for them. It will help you keep track of their progress too.
There is much more to think about so commit to further research to learn more. Delve deeper into the legalities you need to consider and consider the various skills your employee may need to be trained in before they venture overseas. By taking these steps, you will protect both the needs of your employee and the needs of your business.