As the world still tackles the Covid-19 pandemic, many of us are settling into new ways of working and generating an income — in spite of rules, regulations and laws that have been implemented around the world to discourage people from spending time outside of their own homes. While these guidelines have been extremely important for slowing the spread of the virus, they have essentially annihilated the brick and mortar business trade.
Chances are that — by now — you’re operating your business online in a bid to make sales and keep things afloat. Of course, creating a website isn’t the end of your journey. You need to see your website as a living breathing thing that can make or break your company right now. Constantly improving to ensure it’s the best that it can be should feature highly on your list of priorities. But what can you do to achieve this goal? Here are some recommendations you might want to take into consideration.
By Team Savant
Image: Stephanie Harvey
Make Sure Customers are Happy with Your Website
You could think your website is great, but if you aren’t experiencing sales, you may find that customers don’t agree with you. You need to make sure that your website really is working for your target audience. How can you find this out? Through a combination of market research and user experience analysis. Start out with market research. Take members of your target demographic and request their feedback on your site. This will allow you to tweak things and make improvements. Once the site has been live for a while, you may then want to use services like Userzoom, which will give you insight into how people are using the site, what parts are working, what parts aren’t and what might need to be changed.
Focus on Product Photography
We’re all trying to minimise our outgoings right now, and modern phones do have pretty good cameras on. But if you have the money available, you really should invest in professional product photography. At the end of the day, a professional photographer with high quality equipment and a natural flair for angles, lighting and detail, is always going to display your products in a better light than you may be able to yourself. At the end of the day, product images are mostly what your customers have to go on when it comes to deciding whether to spend their money on a product or not, so you want to show your products off in the best way possible!
These two changes to your website may seem simple — and they are — but they have outstanding results most of the time. So, give them some serious thought. As we’ve said — it’s all good and well having a website, but you need to make it exceptional to secure sales. There’s a lot of competition out there right now, so make sure your site helps you and your brand to really stand out from the crowd.