There was a time when the world of education seemed to have little or no interest in the sciences of cognitive development or the neurochemistry of learning and memory. Instead, teachers would stand at the front of the class and recite, expecting to retain knowledge like empty buckets being filled with water from a well. And when there were lapses in concentration or aptitude, students would either be beaten into submission or branded as hopeless. Today, however, teaching has a far more nuanced understanding of how the mind works (especially a developing young mind) and how it may influence classroom behaviors as well as concentration and performance in education.
By Team Savant
Image: Jeffrey Hamilton
In the past few months, many of us have had to become educators as well as managing our own jobs and careers from home. As such, we may have noticed certain factors that can impact how our kids learn and behave. Whether you’re thinking of homeschooling your kids or you’re simply interested in how
The young mind has a limited attention span. And while we may dismiss our kids as “not trying hard enough”, as educators we need to meet our kids in the middle. We need to make the effort to make educational activities fun and engaging and approach the subject in terms that will resonate with kids. That’s one of the biggest arguments in favor of homeschooling. Nobody knows how their kids’ minds work better than their parents, and this can enable them to make fun and engaging educational activities that strengthen the bond between parent and child.
Their Diet
It’s astonishing that so many people expect their kids to excel in their studies, yet turn a blind eye to (or actively encourage) their consumption of sugary, fatty ad salty processed foods, trans fats and refined carbohydrates. If a food product is marketed towards kids, the odds are that it’s loaded with sugar. And this is bound to give kids a spike in directionless (or misdirected) energy, followed by a crashing in blood sugar that makes them feel tired and sluggish. Neither of which is conducive to effective learning. The connection between diet and learning really cannot be overstated.
The Acoustics Of the Space
Even in an age where we have so many high-tech visual aids at our disposal, the vast majority of teaching that takes place is done verbally. And in a room full of 30 odd kids, this can create certain acoustic challenges. Which is why there’s an entire industry dedicated to acoustic design solutions for schools in line with BB93. Often, if kids don’t respond to verbal commands or prompts, it’s not necessarily because they’re not paying attention. It may simply be that they can’t hear clearly.
The Time of Day
Finally, the time of the day can play a huge part in a child’s energy levels and thus their ability to concentrate and focus on the task at hand. Breaking the day into smaller and more manageable chunks is a good way to prevent fatigue and stop school days from dragging. It’s worth taking the time to observe what your child’s most productive hours are, and asking yourself why.