Before we get started, it’s important to note that productivity comes in many forms. And when you’re trying to step back from the computer and leave those emails alone, you’re going to have to change your mindset around productivity a little. Because it’s good to spend your allocated break times at work actually taking a break, so don’t try to cram a bit more work into these 20 to 30 minute time periods. Instead, think of being productive in a different way — a way that can help you get back to work in the right mindset, and actually shake out some of that bundled energy in the best way possible. So, with all that in mind, it’s time to go through a few ways you can better your work breaks, and turn them into productivity fuel.
By Team Savant
Image: Jeffery Erhunse
Take a Break at the Right Time
If you’re going to aim for productivity over the day as a whole, rather than in just the few hours after you arrive at work, you need to take breaks at the right time. Currently, research tells us that the best time to take a break is every 52 minutes — with nearly a 20 minute break between each period.
That’s about an hour at work, and then 20 minutes to gather yourself, and so on. You can get a lot down in an hour, so why not commit to a method like this, even just for a week, to see how it goes?
Engage Your Brain Differently
For example, if you’re someone who works at a desk all day, don’t just open up your phone and spend a good few minutes scrolling through it! You’ve been starting at a screen for hours, and staring at another one for a bit longer is terrible for your eyes and for your brain. So do something different, and engage your brain in a new, more relaxed way.
Step outside and soak up the outdoors, away from any and all screens. You could take an Innokin if that’s how you like to unwind. Do a crossword puzzle out of an actual book, which is much calmer for your brain to look at. Engage those attention receptors a little differently, and give yourself a better break as a result.
Shake Off the Tension
And finally, you might just want to take a gym kit into work with you, to make sure you can hit the crossfit equipment when you’ve got a bit of time to in the afternoon. Because when you can physically shake off the tension you’ve been holding in by sitting at a desk all day, and getting on with some mentally challenging work, you’re going to feel stronger, and less like you need to run away from the work day. It’s very productive for your brain and body.
If you want your work breaks to churn out more productivity for you, follow tips like those above. It’s all about letting your brain relax and refuel!