With levels of unemployment at an all time high, many profit hungry entrepreneurs are searching for pandemic proof business ideas that will allow them to generate an income despite the many lockdowns and endless guidelines in place. Luckily, there are many brilliant concepts that just might be the ideal solution, and it couldn’t be easier to begin pursuing your future proof business plan today. So, if you want to uncover a few pandemic proof entrepreneurial ideas that you can explore now, then read on to uncover more.
By Team Savant
Image: Van Tay Media
Medical Supplies
One of the most important sectors at this moment in time is the medical industry. With people said to be falling victim to the virus each and every day, an increase in healthcare and supplies is required to cope. You could easily become a part of this battle — you don’t need any specific medical qualifications to store and supply materials, so this could be the perfect place to start for any keen entrepreneur that doesn’t necessarily have any previous experience. Be sure that you do as much research as possible, ensuring that you source the best quality supplies such as medical refrigerators and personal protective equipment to keep things as safe and hygienic as possible. Also, it is crucial to find the right courier service, parcel delivery or service company to partner with for optimum business success. Hospitals and clinics need medical supplies and equipment to function effectively, so it is critical to use the right courier service for your supplies can reach the places where they are needed most. Depending on the scope of your business operations, you can select a courier that delivers to various locations in the UK US, France, Germany, Australia, and China among others. Supplying essentials to healthcare professionals is as rewarding emotionally as it is financially, as it’s a great feeling to be able to help doctors and nurses treat their patients properly.
Food Delivery
If you want something completely different, opening your own food delivery service could provide you with the ideal solution. With so many more people spending each and every day at home, food delivery orders have seen a dramatic increase. Restaurants have been forced to close their doors, yet takeaway and contact free delivery options are still allowed to remain in operation! Many locations are crying out for more food delivery options, and this could offer you the constant profit that you have been searching for. Always remember to follow government guidelines regarding personal protective equipment, ensuring your staff utilise disposable gloves and face masks to keep themselves and your customers safe during their shift. Consider a restaurant that offers a wide variety of options or cuisines, as this way you will be able to attract all manner of customers no matter what their taste!
Online Tutoring
If you specialise in one specific area, now is the perfect time to cash in on your skills and pursue online tutoring. With schools shut for such a long period of time, many students are behind and in need of some extra help. You can easily take a course in teacher training through the web, and this will give you the resources you need to make the most of every session. The most difficult aspect of online tutoring is finding your students, but you can easily sign up to an agency that sources clients on your behalf for a percentage of your profits.
With any luck, these pandemic proof business ideas will provide you with the income you need.