Starting your own business is one of the best things you can do. It lets you follow your own dreams without having to work in an unfulfilling job for an overbearing boss. You can work from wherever in the world you choose and according to your own schedule. It affords you complete freedom and control over your career and if you work hard at it, your business could be hugely successful and make you a lot of money. To help you make the most of your new endeavor, here are 5 tips for starting a business at home.
By Team Savant
to Slidebean
Anyone can start their own business. All you need is a good idea and the motivation to see it through. And you can do it all from the comfort of your own home. When you’re just starting out, you are unlikely to be able to afford a premium office space, so it makes sense to set up a home office and do your work from there.
But despite its convenience, setting up a business at home comes with its own unique challenges. You need to ensure you have all the necessary resources to run your business operations as well as dealing with various distractions and logistical hurdles.
Optimise Your Working Space
When you work in an office, everything is designed for you to work hard. You have your own personal working space, all the resources you need, and everyone around you will be contracting and working hard. It’s perfect if you need to knuckle down and get those difficult tasks completed. But working from home isn’t so easy. You have to make do with your limited home set-up and will have all kinds of distractions and interruptions from other members of your household. How can you possibly get any work done under these conditions?
It’s essential that you take some time to create a working environment that is designed to help you work better for longer. The first step is to ensure you have all the equipment you need. You won't get very far with a buggy laptop and an intermittent WiFi connection. You don’t need the most expensive high-end equipment you can buy, but you do want kit that is quality and reliable so you might have to spend a bit of money. At a minimum, you will need a computer, smartphone, printer, WiFi connection, and some online collaboration software.
As well as technology, your office furniture is equally important. The more comfortable you are, the better you will work, and the less likely you are to develop work-related injuries. An ergonomic desk chair is essential, as it promotes good posture and prevents neck and back problems. You will also need a desk that is the correct height for your body.
Create your new office space in a quiet area of your home where you will face the fewest distractions, and talk to other members of your household to let them know that you’ll be working and that they shouldn't interrupt you during office hours.
Create a Routine
When you work from home, your home life and your work life can blur into one. You are in a place where you feel comfortable, so it can be tempting to work in bed with your laptop on your knees or work late at night in front of the TV. Although a little flexibility and freedom is good, being too comfortable is not conducive to productivity, and having no boundaries will mean both your work and your personal life will suffer,
It’s important you establish clear boundaries and follow a routine. Set a fixed time each morning to start working on your business, and a time at which you will stop at the end of the day. Although you may sometimes need to work beyond these hours, try to stick to them as best you can. When you close your laptop in the evening, take yourself out of work mode and spend time with your family or relaxing so you can wind down. Make sure you schedule regular breaks throughout the day to give your mind a break and allow you to stretch and look after your body.
Create a Business Address
When you register your business, you will need an address. Many entrepreneurs who work from home use their own address for simplicity’s sake, but doing this can come with risks. Your address will be featured on everything from your website to your correspondence and will be listed publicly online, so there will be some privacy concerns. What happens if a disgruntled customer decides to turn up at your family home? But what’s the alternative? Renting out office space is too expensive an option, but a low-cost solution is to create a virtual address. There are many services that allow you to get a premium CBD address for your business to ensure you have your privacy and a professional-sounding address.
Have a Business Plan
Whatever your business idea, you will need a cohesive plan for success. This plan should begin with your business goals and outline the strategy and tactics you will use to achieve them. As you progress in starting your business, this plan will help keep you on track and provide a metric to determine how well you are doing.
Grow Your Network
When you run your business from home, you are likely to spend less time outside meeting people and making new business connections. But succeeding in any industry often depends on who you know. The more people you meet, the more likely you are to find business opportunities and potential new partners, employees, customers, investors, and suppliers. Make an effort to get out there and grow your business network. Find industry events and conferences and meet as many people as you can. Even if you don’t meet anyone useful, at least you will be spreading the word about your company and building your brand awareness.
Starting a business from home can be challenging, but by following these five tips you will be better equipped to succeed.