A lot of people don’t think they really have time for a hobby. They’ll always put work and family first and in a lot of cases, who can blame them. Yet sometimes you just need time for you. You need to be able to give yourself the time you need to re-energise. Down time is huge in regards to mental and physical health. You can’t just keep going until you burn out. The best way to stay productive at work is by having a balanced lifestyle and to have that balanced lifestyle, you need something to occupy your down time. Something that gives you joy. If you’ve struggled to find a pleasurable hobby, here are some top tips to help you out.
By Team Savant
Image: Andreea-Maria Juganaru
Consider What Relaxes You
For some, finding that hobby won’t be hard at all. For others, it might be a little harder. But think about what brings you relaxation. It could be gaming, which is extremely popular at the moment and it’s also something you can do with friends. Art is another great pastime, portrait painting has been around for centuries and offers a steep learning curve for you to get stuck into. Reading, again, something easy and cheap to just pick up and go. It’s great because you can do it anywhere. Photography is another hobby enjoyed by the multitude. There’s no harm trying things out at first and seeing what works just be careful when spending money.
Can You Make Money From Your Hobby
Some people like to mix their hobby with work. This isn’t always easy, because you don’t want to be in the situation where a hobby becomes a chore. But you might have an additional means of making money which you enjoy. For example you might like to sell items on the side or even help people out with particular skills you have like gardening or painting, see how you can easily monetise what you know? This is great as it gives you some more money to enjoy while doing something you like to do. That’s what a hobby is all about. The moment it becomes a chore you know you might be in a bit of trouble.
Health and Hobbies Mix Quite Well
Staying healthy is hugely important, just like downtime and having a hobby is. If you can mix the two, then you’re on to a winner. Lots of people like to cycle. It clears the head, and provides an almost euphoric feeling. Of course the price of a bicycle can be prohibitive, so start out running or walking. These hobbies are enjoyed by huge amounts of people. If you don’t like the thought of going outside when it's cold you could consider joining a gym too. They may offer classes and give you some additional motivation to hit your health goals. It’s also a hobby which can be enjoyed with others. Walks with the family, a gym session with a close friend. Again the health kick from this hobby could be in playing football or team sports. The possibilities are myriad!