We get so thrilled meeting girl bosses, like Ona Rihu. Ona Rihu, co-founder of Inlace Media and a proud owner of the most inspirational Instagram account, encourages people to shift towards a more sustainable lifestyle and promotes protecting our planet. Whether you are curious about finding the right routine to express gratitude, discovering the top five goddess rituals, or that turmeric + oat face mask, Savant highly recommends to become a part of their loyal following for more tips.
Words: Meri
Image: Ona Rihu, Co-Founder of Inlace Media
What is the Inlace Media platform all about?
Inlace media is a platform focused on holistic wellbeing, eco-friendly living, self-care and everything in between. Our mission is to help people shift towards a more sustainable lifestyle, that will both benefit themselves, as well as this shared planet of ours.
Tell us about some exciting projects you have been engaged with.
It’s been really exciting to plan and organise our own shoots for Inlace, after many years of working on-set as a model. It’s been really interesting to switch roles like that, and I’m looking forward to co-directing more editorials in the future. Working with my dear friends and Inlace’s co-owners, Emma Ranne and Catarina Böckerman, has been a rewarding experience. You can see what we’ve been up to lately onwww.inlacemedia.com.
Who are some entrepreneurs in the field of sustainability that inspire you?
Anyone in this field is an inspiration for me. It takes courage and a huge heart to go against the mainstream and make sustainability a part of your career. Multi-talented women, like Karita Tykkä and Virpi Mikkonen (Vanelja), inspire me to dream big.
"Surrounding yourself with like-minded people makes magic happen."
Image: Ona Rihu, Co-Founder of Inlace Media
Any good tips for aspiring or already existing girl bosses?
Don’t be afraid to dream. Have a goal, make a plan and work through those steps. I know it sounds very much like a cliché, but we can do whatever we set our minds to. You attract what you are, so make sure you’re giving out a positive vibe. And stay away from people who don’t push you forward. Surrounding yourself with like-minded people makes magic happen.
What inspires you the most right now?
So many things! Spring is always a time of inspiration and excitement for me. I’m inspired by bold colours, sunshine and, of course, all the amazing women around me. This year I’ve decided to spend more time outside, and I can’t wait to take my bicycle out for its first ride of the year.
How do you practice self-care?
Image: Ona Rihu, Co-Founder of Inlace Media
I’m all about self-care. It’s important to be your own best friend and be able to enjoy time spent by yourself. Physical and emotional self-care are equally important. My favourite ways to practice self-care is to take a long sauna and a bath, light some scented soy candles and write in my journal. I try to write a list of things I’m grateful for daily. It puts you in a great mood each time. It’s important to listen to your needs and take time for yourself, just like you would for a friend.
"It’s important to be your own best friend and be able to enjoy time spent by yourself."
What is your favourite vegan delight at the moment?
Raw snickers. I’m just obsessed, 9/10 times if i see a raw snickers slice on the menu, I order it. And I never regret it!
What are your favourite places, where you feel simply happy and content?
Anywhere by the sea, or on a rooftop. Those are two views I’ll never get tired of. There’s something about seeing the city from above and watching people go about their normal life on the streets. It reminds me of how small and insignificant we all are, in a way. So, you might as well make the most of it and do whatever it is that lights that fire inside you.