Having seen the news lately, I think you’d agree with me that what’s going on in the world right now is more than worrying. We can see peace protests turning into acts of violence, and people dying for the freedom and rights of others. These past few years have turned many of us into intolerant human beings, and often understandably so. All the rioting, the hateful slurs, the violence - is this what we are made for?
Words: Johanna Raudsepp
Disclaimer: Before I even begin, it’s necessary to say that the statements I make in this think-piece are my own, laced with emotional judgement, and most definitely do not apply to every single person. It is not intended to hurt anyone’s feelings.
We create all this rage about civil rights and social injustice - and don’t get me wrong, those too are very important for societies – but we often forget our most basic necessity and home, Planet Earth. It’s important to protect the rights of minorities because we are all created equal, generally speaking. In this scenario, the planet is the minority. There’s only one planet, but 7 billion of us. Today, we fight for people unheard of, but who have been mistreated. We fight for the equal right to love. Perhaps it is time to turn our attention to Earth, too. I think this begins from being aware of our surroundings. I suggest that next time you go out, take a look at the nature around you, even in the urban environment. Do you see the sky? How many animals are around you? Did someone throw plastic on the ground? Start by noticing.
"They invent time machines to go back in time to try to save our Earth from a disaster or an epidemic, but rarely succeed. I believe we should stop waiting for time machines. The time to act is now."
#Think-Piece: Sustainability In Unity: Fighting for Human Rights vs Saving Planet Earth #Savant
Our most basic right is the right to live, but how can we live if we have no planet to live on? I know there are those utopian-futurists out there who think that colonising Mars one day is the way to go, but I am quite sure we won’t make it to Mars on time. It’s not about the future any more, it’s about today. If Earth becomes uninhabitable, we can take our pile of human rights and sit on them, but it won’t do us any more good. It will be too late then. Even in movies, the future is depicted as a gloomy mess where outside air is unbreathable. They invent time machines to go back in time to try to save our Earth from a disaster or an epidemic, but rarely succeed. I believe we should stop waiting for time machines. The time to act is now. Today! You can start by taking a look at your own habits regarding your ecological footprint. What can you do to reduce it? Contact a local environmental agency or nonprofit and ask how you can help. Earth has given so much for us, I think it’s the last time and chance we give something back.
We talk about how our governments or the UN should do something to save the planet. But I feel the solution is closer. It’s you and me. We can’t sit around and wait, but be one unit for once. And ultimately this unity is what will influence our future generations. If we teach them to be thoughtful and caring, to be aware of our environment, both social and natural, then the positive changes we make today will carry an impact in the years to come as well. We should all take a hard look in the mirror and ask ourselves: ‘What can I do to help our Planet?’. I can promise you that the answer is never ‘nothing’.